Also called a Fascia, a Fascine Troll, or a Picker. Their origins are unknown, but they are believed to be a rare type of Spawn of the Dark Watchers that can reproduce and survive on Vosca. A breed of troll, hideous and shapeshifting, they dwell in the swamps and call out in their hollow impressions of human voices, to lure the unwitting into the bogs where they can be played with and then devoured. They can emulate human voices, are immune to most forms of magic, and are very, very stealthy. They kill prey, store their carcasses somewhere damp, and feed off the carrion as it molds and rots. It is believed that they also kill for sheer pleasure, as their supplies of corpses often far exceed their nutritional needs. They are solitary, and can reproduce asexually if they need to, though such issue are smaller than those produced by conventional breeding. It's a common folk myth that praying mantises are just Fashers that have reproduced in this way too many times, and have now become too small to be dangerous to anything but ladybugs and ants.
Killing a Fasher is a rite of passage for Unkindlies, who consider them to be one of the few monsters as intelligent as humans. Small groups of Fashers can wipe out entire villages, and often work together to stake out territory between them.