Tattered Realms Wiki
Tattered Realms Wiki

Human beings, also called the Race of Men, the Hostoadin and a host of other names and monikers, are the most populous and widespread race in the Tattered Realms, rivaled only by the Zells, and potentially the Goblins.

Humanity is a flexible race, and one that builds communities naturally. Humans form nomadic tribes and pastoral communities as easily as they form city-states and great empires; there seems to be no environment which they favor over any other; from burning deserts to frozen tundras, lush valleys to desolate wastelands — everywhere men can live, men do live.

The human tendency to build communities brings with it a sense of tribalism that too often turns them against one another, and thus war is the one constant of human civilization. Yet, so too have they contributed universally to art, philosophy, science and religious wisdom. The human race is one of infinite potential, both for civilization and debauchery.


Human height varies depending on climate, diet and social conditions, but the average man is about 5’6 and 160 pounds, while the average woman is 5’4, weighing about 120 pounds. Human beings come in many pigments and colorations, though all are descended from common ancestors and are ultimately similar.

Human beings are young adults by 16, middle aged by 40 and elderly by 60, give or take a few years depending on constitution and lifestyle. Infant mortality is very high, but in most societies, if a child can survive his first six years, he is likely to live until a ripe age.

Culture & Society[]

There is no single unified human culture. The diaspora of humanity across Mundus has created an enormous field of differing cultures and civilizations, most of which vary dramatically from each other. No blanket statement can be said about human cultures, except that they are almost always predominantly made up of humans. However, the humans are particularly notable for Genosism, in part because humans of that creed may return to Mundus after death as Paladins.